Monday 23 May 2016

Get to know a little more about me...

I've been blogging for almost a month now and am so happy about how many people have actually taken the time to read my posts, feeling very proud! I started to think about how little people know about me and how maybe it's kind of putting people off following me as I don't have my face on my Twitter profile, I feel like I've stayed a little bit anonymous, so, I though I'd write this quick post all about me and let you get to know me better (as soon as I have a picture of myself I'm happy with I will be changing my Twitter profile picture too)

 Name: Samantha
Age: 28
How tall are you: I am around 5"7
Best friend/s: Helen from HelenXBeauty
Relationship status: Single
Piercings I have: I have my Ear lobes, Tragus, Forward Helix & Belly all done
Piercings I want: I'm not too sure really, maybe I'd get more lobe piercings
Tattoos I have: I don't have any tattoos
Tattoos I want: I always wanted an anchor on the inside of my left arm for my Grandad who served in the Navy and had an anchor tattoo on his arm
The meaning behind my blog name: I chose this as I am currently a Florist student and wanted to use that aspect of my life in my blog I also wanted something cute and memorable
Favourite band at the moment: I have so many.. Walking on Cars, Wolf Alice, Kaleo, Daughter, Catfish and the Bottlemen to name a few
Favourite movie: Into the Wild, such an amazing, thought provoking film
A fact about my personality: I am super shy and quiet until I get to know you, once I do, I will never shut up lol
What I hate most about myself: At the moment I hate the state of my skin, I'm so fed up with the amount of blemishes I keep getting, I don't understand why I keep getting them as I try really hard to take care of my skin.
What I love most about myself: I love my extremely fast metabolism, I can literally get away with eating what ever I want and never really put on weight
What I want to be when I'm older: Currently on my journey to become a Florist
Idea of the perfect date: A long walk down a sunny beach, then a picnic by a fire whilst watching a beautiful sunset
Thing I hate most: Noisy eaters...My Dad is the worst, he clashes his teeth together when he's eating, I absolutely HATE it!
My phobias: I'm terrified of most birds, particularly Geese, after being attacked by one when I was a child. I'm also scared stiff of getting on a boat after a bad experience in Tenerife, I'm going to have to over come this fear this year to take a trip to Alcatraz in Sept whilst we're in San Fran
Can you cook: I love cooking, it doesn't always turn out exactly how I wanted but I love to experiment with food. I wish I had more chance to cook.
Favourite subject at school: I loved Art, I spent most of my lunches in my final two years in the Art classrooms working on my project for my GCSE's
Favourite drink: English Breakfast Tea up until around 5pm then my fave after work drink is Sailor Jerry's and Ginger Beer
Favourite food: Soo much, I love my food....Pizza, Greg's home made Italian Lasagne, Carbonara, Beef Roast, Butternut Squash and Goats Cheese Lasagne, Avocado, Crisps, Toffee Crisp, Blueberry Muffin
Last thing I bought: 3 flower books to help with my studying
Favourite book of all time: Wild by Cheryl Strayed, this book just stayed with me for so long, the film just didn't really do it justice for me
Do you have any pets: Yep, a Chihuahua, a Pomeranian  a yellow bellied turtle, a rabbit, goldfish and tropical fish (mini zoo)
Favourite perfume: Womanity by Thierry Mugler
Favourite beauty product: Gerard cosmetic highlighter in the shade Grace... so beautiful
Favourite shop: H&M, Zara, Boots
Favourite festive holiday: Christmas
Are you married: Nope, still single
Have you ever been out of the country, if so how many times: Yep, a good few times, Majorca, Tenerife, Corfu, Crete, Spain x2, Milan, Copenhagen, Iceland, Sweden, Prague, Turkey, USA x2, Ireland, France
Speak any other language: a little German and French, which I learnt from school
How many siblings do you have: 2 sisters, one of which is my twin
When was the last time you cried: I don't really remember, I tend to cry more when I'm frustrating and things aren't going right
Favourite TV show: Orange Is The New Black, Orphan Black, Great British Sewing Bee, Heartland
What phone do you have: Iphone 5s
Random fact: I studied Sociology & Psychology back when I was 23/24

Thanks for reading this post and I hope you know feel like you know me a little more

Sam xx

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