Wednesday 22 June 2016

EU Referendum...In or Out?

Picture from
For all those British folk that follow my blog I'm sure you'll agree about how much the campaigning for the EU Referendum voting has been thrusted upon on us for weeks now. I have to say how relieved I will be once all this comes to an end tomorrow night.

Now I'm not going to tell you how I'm voting, nor am I going to tell you how to vote. I know for sure it has been a hard decision as so many people's opinions have been biased towards the way they want you to vote rather than providing us with real facts and figures, pros and cons.

Yesterday I was driving home from work, up through the village, to see a mass of billboards up in people's garden's stating 'Vote Leave' and 'Vote Remain' do these people really think that by putting a sign up in their garden's it will sway people's votes...ridiculous.

I just hope that people go with what they feel is right and aren't swayed by celebrities they admire or by what their favourite rock/pop band will be voting. You vote the way you feel you will benefit from it, try and find unbiased facts and figures (if that's even possible) on the internet, educate yourself about it before voting, don't just believe the scaremongering from the press.

As long as you take the time to vote I will be a happy girl regardless of whether we stay or leave. I'm not going to lie to you all, I don't know the ins and outs of exactly how this will effect us, but from what I've read neither do the politicians involved either, no one truly knows how it will effect us.

I definitely will not miss seeing constant arguments between people who don't share the same views on Facebook/Twitter...I hadn't realised I was friends with so many politicians before this vote came about. I would never, ever push my views and opinions on to anyone else, so will never listen to others forced opinions either.

Please, everyone, go and vote tomorrow, Thursday 23rd June 2016!

Sam xx

Wednesday 1 June 2016

Quick Update

I thought I would just type up a quick post letting you all know what I've been up to lately and the reason why I haven't been blogging much recently.

As most of you know I've been studying Floristry since December last year. This Tuesday I had my final assessment which was to create a Buttonhole and a Boutonnière  for a May Ball. Me being me stressed out about this a little as I like things to be perfect, so I spent quite some time over the past two weekends getting my ideas together and sources flowers etc.

This weekend with it being a bank holiday I typically had a super busy weekend socially too, I headed to the 1940's weekend on Saturday with all my family, this is an annual thing which takes place on the East Lancashire Railway (I'll be write a blog post all about this soon) but it was amazing, then on Sunday I headed to Irlam to watch the SteelFest with a group of friends, this is a charity based festival all proceeds go towards helping local kids with learning to play musical instruments. Then on Monday I spent the day getting everything together for college yesterday ad finalising my project, then I was back to work on Tuesday then straight off to college... it has just been manic!

I have at least 5 post ideas I have to share with you, including the 1940's weekend, a Makeup Revolution haul plus the mystery bag,

then I have a review of some Instant Effects products, so stay tuned guys!!

Samantha x